In the strategy for the upcoming integration of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Province, the city of Tianjin has been identified as an advanced national manufacture and research base, as well as a core area of international shipping, a financial innovation demonstration zone, and a pilot region for the overall reformation of the area. The location of the SWA-designed Central Park provides a setting that stands poised to reflect the foundation of Tianjin’s industrial past, its traditional and emerging culture, and its trajectory forward as a global city. It lies at the crossroads of the CBD, Culture Center, Yujiapu Train Station and Tianjin Commercial Center and represents a collage of historic and new urban expression. Ziyun Park, built earlier, stands at the core of the park. It was created upon the spoils of the alkaline factory and began the trend toward re-imagining the industrial city as a model of economic, social and environmental sustainability. With the addition of Station Park and Culture Park, a new Central Park will emerge. Central Park will adopt and build upon the basic components of Ziyun Park – forest, trails, recreation, leisure and water conservation based infrastructure. Each of the new park segments will however add a new dimension and a fresh set of experiences to Central Park. In combination, the three park ‘pockets’ will provide a rich gathering place for the community and become a symbol of Tianjin and a positive first impression for those visiting the city from afar.
Fernwood Avenue Park
The Fernwood Avenue Park represents a significant opportunity for the city to enhance the water quality and availability of groundwater for residents, while also offering public amenities. Equipped with four detention basins that capture water onsite and from the street, the project plays an important role in the community as a stormwater infiltration site. Th...
Martin Luther King Jr. Square Water Quality Demonstration Park
The City of Conway received both local and federal grants to create a water quality demonstration park in a flood-prone, one-block area of its downtown to educate the public about Low Impact Development (LID) and Green Infrastructure (GI) methods and how they can enhance water quality. The project will transform this remediated brownf...
Nelson Mandela Park Master Plan
Identified by the City as one of its “Big Five” open space projects, the conceptual master plan for Nelson Mandela Park will create a much-needed central open space for the city’s south district, an industrial area along the waterfront that is home to a growing and increasingly diverse population. Here the city seeks to transcend its current park paradigm of l...
Xingfa Cement Plant Quarry Park Masterplan
Beijing Xingfa Cement Plant Quarry, founded in the early 1990s, was an exposed scar of rocks between the Great Wall and Yanqi Lake. The site was reconsidered as a picturesque rural park in relationship with the adjacent cement plant, which also underwent revitalization. Established around the region’s culture, research, and technology-oriented outlook, t...