As an extension of the Ningbo East New Town Government Center, this civic plaza extends the geometry and ecology of SWA’s past work in the city. A central civic axis runs from the government buildings to the Dongqian Lake edge, providing a large, flexible gathering/event space adjacent to an expansive lawn as well as sweeping views of the water. Per city planning guidelines, the lake required a hard edge to the west of the main axis. This takes the form of a wide terraced stair that establishes spaces for viewing and relaxation, while also acting as a geometric and spatial extension of the Planning Museum and its associated outdoor spaces.
Just to the west of the main lawn, a formal tree bosque occupies a partially sunken garden, lined with terraced seating and surfaced in decomposed granite. The easternmost part of the lake edge traces an organic irregular shape surrounded by lush and varied aquatic plantings, blending seamlessly into the eco-corridor site to the east. A secluded cluster of islands provides wildlife habitat, incorporating birdwatching blinds along a wooden boardwalk. Taken in total, the design creates a unique landscape experience to serve as a driving principle for the city’s ongoing development.
Baton Rouge Lakes
The 275-acre Baton Rouges Lakes system is a series of six lakes in central Baton Rouge adjacent to Louisiana State University, three major parks, and a diverse mix of neighborhoods. Recognizing opportunity in crisis, a newly funded master plan provides sound ecological restoration methods that will heal a dying lake system while reconnecting the region to its ...
Nelson Mandela Park Master Plan
Identified by the City as one of its “Big Five” open space projects, the conceptual master plan for Nelson Mandela Park will create a much-needed central open space for the city’s south district, an industrial area along the waterfront that is home to a growing and increasingly diverse population. Here the city seeks to transcend its current park paradigm of l...
Kaohsiung Waterfront Renovation
SWA, in association with Morphosis Architecture and CHNW, developed a vision for the future of Kaohsiung Harbor Wharfs, which includes 114 hectares of prime waterfront property formerly used for cargo shipping. The site, located in the shipping heart of Kaohsiung, Taiwan, was historically subjected to environmental neglect and rampant uncontrolled development....
Thousand Lantern Lake Park System
Nanhai Citizen’s Plaza and Thousand Lantern Lake Park exemplifies the exciting and innovative opportunities for master planning and urban design in new international communities. The site is located in the newly established city of Nanhai, and consists of a commercial precinct, public parks, and civic buildings arranged around a series of lakes and waterways. ...