A “Space Exploration” park and playground for a renowned aerospace city


LocationLynwood, California, United States
ClientCity of Lynwood
Size1.12 acres

The City of Lynwood is renowned for its aerospace research and manufacturing industry. As a predominantly Latino, blue-collar, and park-poor city, Lynwood deserves a park and playground rooted in its own culture and history, with a variety of programs and play opportunities.

With these great aspirations, the Lynwood Mega Playground project site was selected at the city’s heart: the northwest corner of Lynwood Park. As Lynwood’s central park, the site is adjacent to the city hall, community center, and city library.

Aiming to become both a local and regional destination that can provide a unique and thrilling experience, the Mega Playground design features a 22-foot tall “Saturn Sphere” play equipment, a 30-foot tall “Rocket,” a California native shade garden, and an 86-foot-long “Constellation Walk” around the woods. The project also focuses on climate resiliency and minimizes carbon emissions through native plants, drought-tolerant plants, and low-carbon materials.

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