SWA’s work on the King Harbor Public Amenities Plan manages the site’s vulnerability to severe ocean conditions by updating existing infrastructure, providing new programming, and creating a plan for sea-level rise and King Tides. The Amenities Plan serves as a powerful tool to guide growth both for the waterfront’s immediate future and its long-term success. SWA conducted a feasibility study to determine which areas to rebuild or renovate; how to improve public access and connectivity; and implementation and phasing for the waterfront’s overall longevity.
To bring all project components to life, the team identified funding sources, built partnerships with stakeholders, including a dedicated city-organized “working committee”, and advanced designs. The design team leveraged a creative and multi-layered community outreach approach that included in-person, on-site interactions in concert with online participation, through virtual meetings, social media outreach, and online surveying, to allow residents to express their views organically and in their own time.
Luohu Station
Luohu Land Port and Train Station is a border control area and the busiest place in Shenzhen, China. As such, the city was faced with the challenge of moving as many as 600,000 people per day and determined to build a subway. Under the auspices of the Shenzhen Municipal Planning Bureau, a team of consultants from eight different countries worked together on th...
Lewis Avenue
In a city renowned for fantasy, the design of Las Vegas’ Lewis Avenue celebrates the local desert landscape and affirms the street as part of a real-world working district. It was one of the first projects to be implemented in Mayor Oscar B. Goodman’s 2000 Las Vegas Downtown Centennial Plan, aimed at revitalizing the historic downtown core. The City asked SWA,...
The Landscapes of Wuhai
The Inner Mongolian city of Wuhai is transforming from focusing on coal mining as its main industry to tourism. This very special place has many different, striking landscape types located within just 1666 sq. kilometers: sand dunes, mountains, and wetlands, plus adjacency to the Yellow River. Consequently, the city has decided to boost its tourism. Already pl...
ARTIC – Anaheim Regional Transportation Intermodal Center
ARTIC, the new 16-acre Anaheim Regional Transportation Intermodal Center in Southern California, forms a seamless gateway from Anaheim to all of Orange County, spurring economic growth and community redevelopment throughout the region. The landscape design establishes a unique and identifiable image for the ARTIC Mixed-Use District by complementing the site’s ...