SWA’s work on the King Harbor Public Amenities Plan manages the site’s vulnerability to severe ocean conditions by updating existing infrastructure, providing new programming, and creating a plan for sea-level rise and King Tides. The Amenities Plan serves as a powerful tool to guide growth both for the waterfront’s immediate future and its long-term success. SWA conducted a feasibility study to determine which areas to rebuild or renovate; how to improve public access and connectivity; and implementation and phasing for the waterfront’s overall longevity.
To bring all project components to life, the team identified funding sources, built partnerships with stakeholders, including a dedicated city-organized “working committee”, and advanced designs. The design team leveraged a creative and multi-layered community outreach approach that included in-person, on-site interactions in concert with online participation, through virtual meetings, social media outreach, and online surveying, to allow residents to express their views organically and in their own time.
Envision Willowick
The Cities of Garden Grove and Santa Ana are developing a “vision” for redevelopment of the Willowick Golf Course site. This process explored conceptual land use options that are formed by community and stakeholder collaboration and input. The Visioning is intended to be used to guide the preparation of development plans for Willowick. The visioning...
Greening Houston’s Freeways
As Houston’s Downtown has developed and expanded over many decades, public green space has been increasingly constrained by several interstate routes: primarily I-59, -45, and -69. These thoroughfares, while essential for commuters, have left little room for workers and nearby residents to enjoy unimpeded access to their locale’s adjacent trailways and bayous,...
Houston Green Loop
With the coming expansion and realignment of the highways around Downtown Houston, SWA identified the opportunity to enact a bold vision: a multi-use branded connectivity system that will leverage the immense reconstruction investment. SWA’s concept creates a continuous pedestrian loop over, under, and around the downtown highway system, thus redirecting the u...
Buji River Urban Redevelopment Plan
The Buji River urban review master plan integrates strategies of recreation, reconnection, culture, and ecology to bring the river back to the people of Shenzhen. Based on a restored Buji River ecosystem, the urban review master plan for this flourishing environment aims to reconnect the river with the city.
The program is to be implemented at three sca...