A Vision for the Redevelopment of the Willowick Golf Course Site


LocationSanta Ana, California, United States
ClientCity of Garden Grove
Size106 acres

The Cities of Garden Grove and Santa Ana are developing a “vision” for redevelopment of the Willowick Golf Course site. This process explored conceptual land use options that are formed by community and stakeholder collaboration and input. The Visioning is intended to be used to guide the preparation of development plans for Willowick. The visioning process explored how Willowick can best serve and enrich the community, including the next generation, what activities and land uses are needed, and how it can keep pace with changing conditions and trends. The Visioning is a compilation of community-driven needs, goals, ideas, and feedback. The site is adjacent to the Santa Ana River on the east, and the Pacific Electric (PE) Right-of-Way on the north, and abuts Garden Grove’s Buena Clinton neighborhood and the Willowick Royal Mobile Home Park. To the east across the Santa Ana River, is Spurgeon Intermediate School and Spurgeon Park. Directly to the south, is Cesar Chavez Campesino Park.

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