Xiao Zheng, PLA
“I view design as the ultimate integration of art, science, and people.”
Xiao Zheng has more than 20 years of landscape and architectural experience, giving her a unique perspective on design and planning with holistic solutions. Her work includes large-scale city planning, urban design, riverfront park systems, mixed-used centers, civic centers, and residential development. Her work takes her from planning through construction, giving Xiao a comprehensive understanding from project inception through realization.
The power and beauty of rivers and the people who live along them.
Master of Landscape Architecture, University of Pennsylvania
Master of Architecture, South China University of Technology
Bachelor of Architecture South China University of Technology
Member, American Society of Landscape Architects
Member, Urban Land Institute (ULI)BIA Member, Building Industry Association of Southern California, Inc.
ASLA Southern California Chapter Merit Award: Baxi Island Landscape Planning and Design (2014)
ASLA Southern California Chapter Merit Award: Guipan River Landscape Planning and Design (2014)
ASLA National Merit Award: Changsha Liuyang Riverfront Park and Urban Design (2013)
Winner, International Design Competition: Lianjiang Park Landscape Planning and Design (2013)
Winner, International Design Competition: Shenzhen Futian Master Plan and Landscape Design (2012)