Jiyoung Nam, PLA

Associate Principal

Jiyoung Nam, PLA, is a landscape architect and urban designer based in Houston. She enjoys working on a diversity of projects, and is particularly adept at developing innovative ideas into a meaningful reality. Stemming from a deep love of nature and people, her passion for parks and open space is highlighted in projects such as Buffalo Bayou Park, Brays Bayou, and Haden Park. Jiyoung also believes strongly in the positive impacts that landscape architects can make, and is particularly excited by her low-impact design and natural systems planning work at Bridgeland and Elyson. A common theme among Jiyoung’s projects is her consideration of broader environmental needs and celebration of the impact of water, which she explores via an aesthetic and artistic approach to ecology.

Jiyoung joined SWA in November 2009 with an MLA from the University of Pennsylvania and Seoul National University and a BLA from Yeungnam University in South Korea.