This visualization/simulation project experimented with parametric, computational, and other digital modeling and analysis tools. The project focused on a visual programming language linked to 3D computer aided design software based on curve modeling (as opposed to polygonal modeling) in order to expand design options, retain the necessary precision for built work, and speed project delivery specifically for landscape architecture. Findings included a survey of tools and algorithms, industry-wide trends related to the adoption and use in the field, and three approaches to integration into daily professional practice. The team’s methodology included evaluating software and plug-ins, running in-person workshops with SWA designers, and conducting interviews with leading practitioners from design firms. This project was funded by the Patrick T. Curran Fellowship.
Andrew Gressett and Elvis Wong, SWA
Kinder Baumgardner, Natalia Beard, Sean O’Malley, Andrew Watkins, SWA
Workshop participants, SWA
Anya Domlesky and Jonah Susskind, XL research and innovation Lab at SWA
Ernest Haines, MVVA
Nate Wooten, Olin
Chris Landau, Landau Design + Technology
Jon Bailey, HKS Line
Alan Berger, Mario Giampieri, and Chenhao Zhu, MIT Leventhal Center for Advanced Urbanism
William Chernicoff, Toyota Mobility Foundation