This visualization and simulation project experimented with tools for facilitating community engagement online. The project focused on evaluating over 30 web-based platforms and products in order to generate methods of facilitating greater public input from a more diverse constituency than typical in-person public meetings produce. Results included a menu of options for public design projects large and small that require, or would benefit from, stakeholder input and feedback before and during the design process. The findings were shared as a free, publicly downloadable document during the COVID-19 pandemic to encourage better, more creative practices in the field during quarantine and afterwards. For the project, the team reviewed studies, tested software, demo-ed products, and conducted interviews to determine the best fit tools for engagement (although there was crossover with outreach). The project continues SWA’s work on adapting and adopting new tools.
Jonah Susskind, XL research and innovation Lab at SWA
Kapp Singer, SWA
Anya Domlesky, XL research and innovation Lab at SWA
Andrew Watkins, Rene Bihan, Natalia Beard, Kinder Baumgardner, Marco Esposito, Masako Ikegami, Monica Streeper, Ryan Parr, Kerri da Silva, Amna Ansari, Glenn Jones, and Sarah Fitzgerald, SWA
Festa Isufi, Maptionaire
Houston Warehouse District Vision Plan
Freedom Park
North Chico Specific Plan
Immersive Environments